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2021-04-21 14:05  人民日报   - 







Justice for Asian-Americans requires sustained action

One of the sad realities of American life is that while racial discrimination and injustice exist every day, only blood buys attention. Last month, when the Atlanta mass murder put anti-Asian racism in the national spotlight, one fact was brought into focus: systematic injustice faced by Asian Americans has always been part of American history and reality.

The mainstream discourse in America has closely tied the racial injustice suffered by Asian-Americans with the criticism of "white supremacy". As some Asian civil rights activists say, this is a politically convenient option. In recent years, the critique of white supremacism and Trumpism held by the crass, vulgar and more violent conservative right has been the dominant discourse in the American media. The injustice suffered by Asians, in other words, is just one more piece of evidence to feed such critique. The problem, however, is that the racial mistreatment suffered by Asians is far more complex.

It's not that Trump and his white supremacist allies aren't exacerbating the injustices suffered by Asians. In fact, there is a lot of data and cases proving this connection. During the pandemic, Trump's promotion of stigmatized names such as the so-called "China Virus" and "kung flu" has obviously contributed to the discrimination and attacks against Asians. A recent report by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, showed that crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders jumped by 145% in 2020.

To systematically confront the problem of racial discrimination against Asian-Americans, however, it is important to remember that it’s not a new problem invented by Trump. A series of simple questions can reveal the ground on which anti-Asian racial injustice takes place. How many Americans know that it was the hard work of Chinese laborers who built the first cross-continent railroad in America? How many Americans know that the nation's first anti-immigration law against a specific ethnic group was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882? How many Americans realize that today the so-called “model minority” stereotype imposed on Asian-Americans is masking the socioeconomic difficulties faced by many subgroups within Asian Americans?

Like the racial injustice faced by African Americans, the racial injustice faced by Asian Americans is systemic and has historical roots. Many of the labels that American culture places on Asians, while seemingly positive, miss the most important part: a perception of Asians as peers.

The Illinois Lower House just passed a bill mandating the teaching of a unit of Asian American history in public elementary and high schools starting the 2022-2023 school year. Such a move might be the right start. But if history is anything to go by, it seems reasonable to worry that such a measure would be the kind of rare move that only comes about in the wake of a shooting massacre. The bigger question is whether, once this wave of attention has passed, this country can continue to take sustained action to improve the Asian racial environment.






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