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2022-01-27 13:20  ABC   - 




白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)本周表示,拜登周一晚上与亚当斯通了电话,对上周五两名纽约警察局官员被枪杀表示哀悼。

22岁的警官杰森·里维拉在枪击发生当晚死亡。他的搭档,27岁的威尔伯特·莫拉(Wilbert Mora)周二被解除了生命支持,四天前,一名妇女将这些警察叫到哈莱姆区的一所公寓,称她需要帮助照顾她的成年儿子,他们因此受了致命伤。

当局称,这名47岁的男子拉肖恩·麦克尼尔(Lashawn J. McNeil)打开了一间卧室的门,并在警察走下狭窄的大厅时开枪打死了他们。当麦克尼尔试图逃跑时,第三名军官开枪打死了他。







Biden to NYC next week to discuss gun crime with Mayor Adams

WASHINGTON -- President Joe Biden will visit New York City next week to discuss combating gun crime with Mayor Eric Adams, a meeting that will follow the recent fatal shooting of two city police officers.

The White House said Biden planned during the Feb. 3 meeting to discuss his administration's “comprehensive strategy” to combat gun crime, including increased funding for cities and states to hire more police officers and pay for community violence prevention and intervention programs.

The strategy also includes beefing up federal law enforcement efforts against gun traffickers, the White House said.

Biden spoke with Adams by telephone on Monday night to offer his condolences over last Friday's shooting of two New York Police Department officers, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said this week.

Officer Jason Rivera, 22, died the night of the shooting. His partner, Wilbert Mora, 27, was removed from life support on Tuesday, four days after the officers were fatally wounded after they were called to a Harlem apartment by a woman who said she needed help with her adult son.

Authorities said the man, Lashawn J. McNeil, 47, opened a bedroom door and shot the officers as they walked down a narrow hall. A third officer shot McNeil as he tried to flee.

McNeil died Monday.

In anticipation of Biden's visit, Adams said: “I look forward to welcoming President Biden to New York City next week and sitting down to discuss how we can work collaboratively to end the scourge of gun violence we are seeing on New York City streets.”

In recent days, a Houston-area constable deputy was shot and killed during a late-night weekend traffic stop, and a District of Columbia police officer was wounded in a separate shooting.

Psaki said the president told Adams, who has held office for less than a month, that he is committed to being a strong federal partner for New York City and other jurisdictions that have been struggling with increased gun crime during the past two years.

Earlier this week, and just days after the two officers were shot, Adams announced a plan to stem gun violence that includes stepping up efforts to seize illegal guns.

The mayor also wants the police department to use facial recognition and other technology to identify people carrying weapons, expand cash rewards for tipsters who share information on gun-related crimes and for the city to help businesses pay to install surveillance cameras.






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