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2020-08-09 19:59   美国新闻网   - 





















Coronavirus updates: Biden says 'it boggles the mind and breaks the heart' as US approaches 5 million cases

Thenovel coronavirushas now killed more than 727,000 people worldwide.

More than 19.5 million people across the globe have been diagnosed withCOVID-19, the disease caused by the new respiratory virus, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to testing shortages, many unreported cases and suspicions that some national governments are hiding or downplaying the scope of their outbreaks.

The United States is the worst-affected country, with more than 4.98 million diagnosed cases and at least 162,421 deaths.

1:22 a.m.: Minnesota Vikings player needs open heart surgery after post-COVID diagnosis shows heart problem

Minnesota Vikings linebacker Cameron Smith posted on his Instagram page Saturday night that he will need open heart surgery to fix a defective valve that he's had since birth.

The condition was discovered from additional tests administered following his COVID-19 positive diagnosis.

"Earlier this week I found out I need open heart surgery to fix a bicuspid aortic valve that I was born with," Smith's statement read.. Although this will unfortunately end my 2020 season, it is really a blessing that we found this as my heart is severely enlarged and wouldn’t have lasted much longer. I found this out after I tested positive for COVID and had to have further testing done as protocol. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but I could really feel him on this one!"

Smith concluded: "There is a surgery that will allow me to continue to play football as soon as I am healed and cleared and I didn’t think twice about going with that one. By no means am I ready to be done playing football, there is still so much more I want to accomplish on the field. I'm going to attack this like everything else I have in life. Already looking forward to the comeback!"

12:40 a.m.: Cardinals vs. Pirates on Monday postponed due to coronavirus

The Pittsburgh Pirates' flight to St. Louis on Sunday has been canceled and their game on Monday against the Cardinals has been postponed, sources told ESPN's Jeff Passan.

By Sunday, the teams will have a better sense as to whether they'll play Tuesday and Wednesday, sources told Passan.

The Cardinals' three-game series against the Chicago Cubs this weekend was postponed after the league said two Cardinals players and one staff member tested positive for the coronavirus from samples collected over the past two days.

In total, nine Cardinals players and seven staffers have tested positive since last week. The Cardinals haven't played since July 29.

12:15 a.m.: Biden on the U.S. reaching 5 million COVID-19 cases: 'It’s a number that boggles the mind and breaks the heart'

Former Vice President Joe Biden reacted Saturday evening to the news that the United States has reached 5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In a paper statement Biden said the number "boggles the mind and breaks the heart," urging Americans to continue taking steps, including mask wearing, to combat the spread of the virus and eventually overcome it.

As he has throughout the course of the pandemic, Biden also slammed Trump's lack of leadership on the crisis, writing that the country "continue[s] to hear little more from President Trump than excuses and lies."

"No other high-income economy is still struggling to get this under control. In fact, Americans are no longer welcome in much of the world, because we are seen as a public health threat. And we are where we are today for one simple, infuriating reason: Trump waved the white flag and gave up. He didn’t want to deal with the pandemic, so he stopped trying. He didn’t do his job," Biden wrote.

"Trump has already thrown away months of the American people’s sacrifice and hard work. Imagine what four more years of his failures will cost us," he added.






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