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2020-09-01 11:19   美国新闻网   - 


在基诺沙出生和长大的民主党议员马克·波坎(Mark Pocan)敦促总统重新考虑——警告称,他正在这座自8月23日以来一直在内乱中闷烧的城市煽风点火布莱克被枪杀了被一名克诺沙警官在背后捅了七刀。


PHOTO: Rep. Mark Pocan speaks during a news conference on July 25, 2017.




PHOTO: People march in support of Jacob Blake and his family to the Kenosha County Courthouse on Aug. 29, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis.



PHOTO: Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers speaks during a news conference, Aug. 27, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. The city has suffered from unrest in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes is at rear.


威斯康辛州民主党州长托尼·埃维斯也敦促总统尽管像参议员罗恩·约翰逊(Ron Johnson)这样的共和党人张开双臂欢迎特朗普,认为是州长参加了“煽动而非平息局势”的集会,但他还是没有成行






我们必须继续确保基诺沙的公共安全得到全面恢复。我很感激@ realDonaldTrump接听电话并支持基诺沙获得更多资源。https://t.co/d4OoogER0l




代表包括克诺沙在内的国会选区的共和党众议员布莱恩·斯特尔(Bryan Steil)没有立即回应采访请求。


Democrats warn Trump’s visit to Kenosha ‘fanning the flames’

As PresidentDonald Trumpprepared to travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, the state's elected leaders were split along party lines on the impact his visit will have in the wake of the shooting ofJacob Blake.

Democrats like Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., who was born and raised in Kenosha, urged the president to reconsider – warning that he is fanning the flames in a city that’s been smoldering amid civil unrest since Aug. 23, whenBlake was shotseven times in the back by a Kenosha police officer.

“We’ve seen all sorts of protests around Black Lives Matter because we still as a society aren’t treating everyone equally and there’s clearly strong angst about that, but Donald Trump coming there is not to calm people, it’s not to =[allay] the fears. It’s just the opposite,” Pocan told ABC News in a phone interview Monday. “It’s to fan the flames, it’s to make people in suburbs afraid this is going to happen in Biden’s America, but the problem for him is this is happening in Trump’s America.”

Rep. Mark Pocan speaks during a news conference on July 25, 2017.

Pocan’s parents owned and operated shops in the same building – a structure destroyed by fire last week after rioters burned down the Danish Brotherhood Lodge next door. Pocan says his mother’s best friend’s grandson was Anthony Huber, the 26-year-old man who was allegedly killed by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse on Aug. 25 during the civil unrest.

“For the president to ignore that issue, and then to essentially egg on vigilantes and militia, like he did Portland and he appeared to do here again by not condemning the actions of the 17-year-old who shot two people. This is the problem. Donald Trump has never been up to the job, he’s still not up to the job, and now we’re watching him fan the flames of hatred and continue to stir instability in a community that he has no ties to,” Pocan said.

People march in support of Jacob Blake and his family to the Kenosha County Courthouse on Aug. 29, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis.

“He’s not doing anything for the people in the town, he’s just taking care of himself,” he added, pointing at Wisconsin as a key battleground in the 2020 presidential election.


Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers has alsourged the presidentnot to make the trip, although Republicans like Sen. Ron Johnson have welcomed Trump with open arms, contending it’s the governor who has participated in rallies “that have done more to incite than calm the situation.”

“It is a sad state of affairs when Governor Evers asks the president of the United States to stay out of Wisconsin. Throughout this rolling tragedy, I’ve pleaded for calm but also for political leadership that provides the resolve and manpower to end the rioting and allow the safe reopening of downtown Kenosha,” Johnson wrote in a statement Monday.

“Now is the time to support law enforcement and the citizens of Kenosha. It is not the time to encourage activities that will keep Kenosha boarded up and shut down. That is why I visited Kenosha on Saturday and why I will welcome President Trump on Tuesday,” he said.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany credited the presence of 1,000 National Guard troops and 200 personnel from the Department of Justice who were deployed at the request of local officials, noting that 300 people have been arrested, and 302 charged amid riots and unrest.

“President Trump showed up, and law and order arrived,” she said. “Democrats are late to the game.” It was unclear what effect the troops or federal agents had on the violent protests.

“When the Trump Administration arrives in a Democrat run city, engulfed in chaos, peace is restored, law and order is upheld. Washington, D.C., New York, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha -- all of these cities are Democrat run, all of these cities have experienced anarchy, violence, and destruction in recent days -- the opposite of a peaceful protest.”

We must continue to ensure public safety is fully restored in Kenosha. I appreciate@realDonaldTrumpanswering the call and his support to provide Kenosha with additional resources.https://t.co/d4OoogER0l

— Bryan Steil (@BryanSteil)August 28, 2020

McEnany said Trump is scheduled to meet with local law enforcement and some business owners and he’ll survey the damage caused by the turmoil, adding he is not currently expected to meet with the family of Jacob Blake.

“The president wants to visit hurting Americans,” McEnany said. “I think highlighting that the federal government has done a lot in the way of using law and order to create peace, but showing up for hurting Americans is the primary concern.”

Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents the congressional district including Kenosha, did not immediately respond to an interview request.






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