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2020-09-11 09:59   美国新闻网   - 





PHOTO: The Strategic Issues Team of the Government Accountability Office, testify before a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on the 2020 Census, Sept. 10, 2020, on Capitol Hill.


前人口普查局局长约翰·汤姆逊(左)和政府问责局战略问题小组常务董事克里斯托弗·米姆(J. Christopher Mihm)于2020年9月10日在国会山举行的众议院监督和改革委员会关于2020年人口普查的听证会上作证。





PHOTO: The U.S. Census logo appears on census materials received in the mail with an invitation to fill out census information online on March 19, 2020 in San Anselmo, California.



吉拉河社区的州长斯蒂芬·罗伊·刘易斯(Stephen Roe Lewis)周四对众议院监督委员会表示:“可以毫不夸张地说,在部落社区,准确的人口普查可能事关生死,因为受人口普查影响的项目会影响医疗保健的提供、公共安全、我们的青年和老年人项目、住房、暴力侵害妇女赠款以及其他支持我们部落社区的项目。”




美国政府问责局常务董事克里斯托弗·米姆(J. Christopher Mihm)周四对众议院议员表示:“我认为,人口普查局在提供符合日益增长的历史要求的准确性和完整性的统计数据方面将面临巨大挑战。”

Court halts Trump administration's attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants from census

PresidentDonald Trump's attempt toexclude unauthorized immigrantsfrom the census count violated the law, a federal court in New York ruled on Thursday.

The three-judge panel determined that the secretary of Commerce, who oversees the Census Bureau, could not leave out people living in the country illegally from the population totals used to determine congressional seats.

"The Presidential Memorandum violates the statute governing apportionment because, so long as they reside in the United States, illegal aliens qualify as 'persons in' a 'State,'" the judges wrote.

Legal challenges were brought by a group of Democratic-led state attorneys general and a coalition of immigrant rights groups led by the American Civil Liberties Union, which described the order as a "xenophobic effort to deny the basic humanity of undocumented immigrants." Lawyers for the groups said the directive "openly and obviously" violated the Constitution.

John Thompson, former director of the Census Bureau, left, and J. Christopher Mihm, managing director of the Strategic Issues Team of the Government Accountability Office, testify before a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on the 2020 Census, Sept. 10, 2020, on Capitol Hill.

"This is a huge victory for voting rights and for immigrants' rights," said ACLU attorney Dale Ho, who argued the case. "President Trump has tried and failed yet again to weaponize the census against immigrant communities."

The decision comes amid a fundamental debate over whether the census can be conducted accurately given the delays caused by thecoronavirushealth crisis.

Last week, a federal judge in Californiatemporarily barredthe Trump administration from winding down census operations in a case that challenged the decision to cut the count a month shorter than originally planned to accommodate for delays caused by the pandemic.

Critics of the administration are concerned the decision to adhere to a shorter deadline will result in undercounting low income and rural communities that are typically harder for census workers to reach. The Gila River Indian Community near Phoenix and the Navajo Nation both joined the lawsuit against the administration to preserve the deadline extension.

The U.S. Census logo appears on census materials received in the mail with an invitation to fill out census information online on March 19, 2020 in San Anselmo, Calif.

"It is not an exaggeration to say an accurate census can be a matter of life or death in tribal communities because the programs impacted by census count affects delivery of health care, public safety, our youth and elder programs, housing, violence against women grants and other programs that sustain our tribal communities," Stephen Roe Lewis, governor of the Gila River Community, told the House Oversight Committee on Thursday.

In the same hearing, John Thompson, who ran the Census Bureau from 2013 to 2017, told the committee that the agency needs more time to collect data from hard to reach localities. Census experts have warned that if the bureau is forced to conclude counting too quickly it will result in a count that cannot be certified as accurate.

"I am extremely concerned that the actions that have been taken to truncate 2020 census data collection activities by Sept. 30, 2020, will adversely affect the quality and accuracy," Thompson said.

A Government Accountability Officereportlate last month characterized the decision to expedite the count after its delay as "a risk" to accuracy. It also found the bureau has struggled to hire and retain staff needed to convince residents to answer and participate.

"I think it will be an enormous challenge for the Census Bureau to deliver counts that meet the increasing historical demands for accuracy and completeness," GAO Managing Director J. Christopher Mihm told House lawmakers on Thursday.






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