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2021-10-27 14:54   美国新闻网   - 





亚利桑那州民主党参议员马克·凯利要求一致同意确认辛迪·麦凯恩。凯利在2018年去世前曾接受约翰·麦凯恩的指导,并于去年赢得了参议院席位。提名得到确认时,同样来自亚利桑那州的民主党参议员基尔斯顿·西内马(Kyrsten Sinema)正在主持参议院,他显然很兴奋。

PHOTO: Sen. Jeff Flake participates in a reenacted swearing-in with his wife Cheryl Flake and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in the Old Senate Chamber in Washington, Jan. 3, 2013.






Senate confirms Cindy McCain, former GOP Sen. Jeff Flake as ambassadors

Three of President Joe Biden’s major nominees were confirmed to ambassadorships by the Senate on Tuesday.

Former Sen. Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republicanwho left office in 2019, was confirmed as ambassador to Turkey, while former Democratic Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico was confirmed to be ambassador to New Zealand.

Cindy McCain, the wife of late GOP Sen. John McCain, was confirmed to the rank of ambassador during her tenure of service as U.S. Representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.

All three nominees were confirmed unanimously.

Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, a Democrat, asked for unanimous consent to confirm Cindy McCain. Kelly was mentored by John McCain prior to his death in 2018 and won his Senate seat last year. Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, also of Arizona, was presiding over the Senate when the nomination was confirmed and was visibly excited.

Flake and McCain were some ofBiden’s most ardent Republican supportersduring the 2020 presidential election. They werecensured by the Arizona Republican Party in Januaryfor their staunch criticism of former President Donald Trump.

"When I began in the Republican Party officially, the Republican party was the party of inclusion. It was the party of generosity. It was the party of 'country first,'" Cindy McCain said of the censure. "We have lost our way and it's time that we get back on track."

"I truly hope that as things progress on, and we get further away from this mess that occurred, that we can do just that," she added. "We can get back on track and remind everyone that we are here for the country and not our party."






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