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美民主党初选多州因疫情延后投票 拜登桑德斯线上拉票

2020-03-29 22:48  中国新闻网   - 


当地时间2月2日,美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登在艾奥瓦首府得梅因竞选造势。该州党团会议投票将于2月3日晚举行。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄



图为艾奥瓦州首府得梅因第72选区的民主党党团会议现场,桑德斯阵营在清点票数。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄



US Democratic primary states delay voting due to the epidemic Biden Sanders online canvass

Novel coronavirus pneumonia reported that the US presidential primary election also seemed to press the "pause button", and the ten primary elections were postponed. Democratic candidates, 77 year old former Vice President Joe Biden and 78 year old Senator Sanders of Vermont have also cancelled their campaign campaigns and can only meet voters through the Internet.
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On February 2 local time, Biden, the former vice president and presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of the United States, campaigned in Des Moines, the capital of Iowa. The state's caucus will vote on the evening of February 3. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
Biden and Sanders both suspended their campaigns recently and instead met voters live online, according to reports. In the live broadcast, the two also discussed the latest development of the epidemic with their health advisers.
"What we are doing is a virtual campaign," Sanders said earlier
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The picture shows the meeting of the Democratic Party in the 72nd constituency of Des Moines, the capital of Iowa. The Sanders camp is counting the votes. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
In addition, New York State joined in the postponement of the primary election on the 28th, after many states were worried about the outbreak. As a result, there should be no debate between the two.
And the Democratic National Congress, which was scheduled to be held in mid July and officially announced who would represent the current president trump, is not sure whether it will be held as scheduled.


下一篇:美大选两党持续角逐 民调:拜登支持率领先特朗普9%




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