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2019-07-22 09:46  美国新闻网  -  1588






众议院民主党领袖@ efillercorn、众议院民主党主席@c_herring、参议院民主党领袖@ dicksaslaw和参议院民主党主席@senatorlocke就唐纳德·特朗普将出席下周在詹姆斯敦举行的纪念会议发表声明。

'Send Him Back': Virginia Democrats vow to boycott Jamestown celebration if Trump attends

WASHINGTON – Democrats in the Virginia state legislature say they'll boycott an event at Jamestown, Virginia, commemorating the 400th anniversary of representative democracy in America if President Donald Trump comes.

The event had been planned as part of "American Evolution," a series of events at Jamestown, the site of the first permanent English colony, to celebrate key events in American and Virginia history that took place in 1619, according to the event's website. A July 30 gathering had planned to commemorate the first legislative meeting and would feature members of Congress, the Virginia legislature and other state legislatures.

The Democratic heads of the Virginia state legislature said, in a statement released Friday, "We will not be attending any part of the commemorative session where Donald Trump is in attendance. The current President does not represent the values that we would celebrate at the 400th anniversary of the oldest democratic body in the western world."

The group ended their statement with what they called a word of advice to organizers: "Send Him Back."

The phrase is a reference to one shouted at a Trump rally on July 17. During the rally in North Carolina, after Trump criticized Somali-born Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, his supporters started chanting "send her back." That chant was drawn from a tweet Trump posted days prior in which he told four minority congresswomen — which included Omar — to "go back" where they came from.

Statement from House Democratic Leader @EFillerCorn, House Democratic Chair @C_Herring, Senate Democratic Leader @DickSaslaw, and Senate Democratic Chair @SenatorLocke on reports that Donald Trump will attend the commemorative session in Jamestown next week. pic.twitter.com/Mdrud9UH5S






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