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2019-08-18 15:38  美国新闻网  -  3948






美国历史上最好的总统。有史以来最好的健康计划,开放了数百万个工作岗位,没有对外战争,没有仇恨,没有移民儿童,所有的人都没有种族歧视地恋爱了#ObamaAve# EmptySeatMAGATour pic.twitter.com/ZWI0CasgPG

穆斯塔法·苏莱曼(@ mgotoo16)2019年8月17日

一些人建议特朗普大厦所在的其他城市街道效仿纽约市的做法。" #奥巴马夫人这是纽约的好消息!也许我们应该在拉斯维加斯发起一项请愿,改变鼓点酒店所在的拉斯维加斯的街道名称。街道名称目前是“时装秀大道”,但我认为#米歇尔·奥巴马五世会是一个很棒的新名字!另一位评论者写道。








Nearly 400,000 Sign Petition to Name Street Outside Trump Tower Obama Ave



美国各地的城市都建立了以奥巴马名字命名的地标,包括印第安纳州奥尔巴尼镇(Albany town),那里的一条道路被命名为巴拉克·奥巴马大道(Barack Obama Way),以及佛罗里达州帕霍克的巴拉克·奥巴马大道(Barack Obama Boulevard)。在奥巴马曾经是参议员的伊利诺伊州,55号州际公路的一部分被更名为巴拉克·奥巴马总统高速公路。



A "President Barack H. Obama Avenue" has gained nearly 400,000 signatures. That specific part of the street is exactly where President Donald Trump's famous Trump Tower is located.

The MoveOn petition, launched by Elizabeth Rowin in October, had 385,547 signatures—just 14,453 signatures away from its 400,000 goal—at press time on Saturday.

Originally Rowin was seeking just 75,000 signatures. However, social media solidarity has helped the petition receive signatures far beyond her initial goal as people all across the country have encouraged others to sign by sharing the trending hashtag #ObamaAve.

Over the weekend, dozens of people took to the platform to suggest Obama's many accomplishments as commander-in-chief were more than enough reasons to honor him with a street in the Big Apple. "The best president in American history. The best health program of all time, opening millions jobs, no foreign war, no hate, no immigrant children held, all the people were in love without racial discrimination #ObamaAve #EmptySeatMAGATour," one user wrote on Saturday morning.

The best president in American history. The best health program of all time, opening millions jobs, no foreign war, no hate, no immigrant children held, all the people were in love without racial discrimination#ObamaAve#EmptySeatMAGATourpic.twitter.com/ZWI0CasgPG

— Mustafa A. Suliman (@mgotoo16) August 17, 2019

Some folks recommended for other city streets housing Trump Towers to follow the New York City pursuit. "#ObamaAve This is great news for New York! Maybe we should start a Las Vegas petition to change the street name in Vegas where the drump hotel is. The street name is currently "Fashion Show Drive" but I think #MichelleObamaDrive would be a great new name!" another commenter wrote.

Addressing New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, the petition requests for all addresses located within that stretch of Fifth Avenue to be updated with the new street name, which would mean Trump Tower's address would change to "725 Barack H. Obama Avenue, New York, NY 10022."

#ObamaAve This is great news for New York! Maybe we should start a Las Vegas petition to change The street name in Vegas where the drump hotel is. The street name is currently "Fashion Show Drive" but I think #MichelleObamaDrive would be a great new name! 😂👍

— PositivePyramids (@PositivePyrami1) August 17, 2019

Citing Los Angeles' recent recognition of Obama, of which a portion of the 134 Freeway near Downtown Los Angeles was renamed after the former president, the petition suggested renaming the Fifth Avenue block after him would be a way for New York City to celebrate Obama's eight-year presidency.

"We request the New York City Mayor and City Council do the same by renaming a block of Fifth Avenue after the former president whose many accomplishments include: saving our nation from the Great Recession; serving two completely scandal-free terms in office; and taking out Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind September 11th, which killed over 3,000 New Yorkers," the petition read.

Rownin previously told Newsweek the petition "started out as just a joke."

"I saw a comedian joke about how it would make Trump so mad if it was named after former President Obama and thought why not," she explained.

Nearly 400,000 Sign Petition to Name Street Outside Trump Tower Obama Ave
A guard stands outside of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on August 24, 2018, in New York City.SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES

City ordinances for co-naming a street require an honoree to be deceased for at least two years before a petition to rename a street is launched. However, Rownin said she still had plans to write to De Blasio and New York City with her heavily-supported request.






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